Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hello there!  We are getting so much great feed back on our book:
                                                  Making Wire and Bead Jewelry!  It is so exciting!!

Blogs around the country are commenting on what a good book it is...easy to follow and full of information.  For those of you that have always wanted to try wire working the 500 pictures will really help.  For those of you that are self taught....or it has been a while since you've worked on your techniques, this book will help you too!  Then...if that is not enough...there are many great projects to make.  CHECK IT OUT!

Another thing I wanted to share with you is our friend Cher Sweeny, an amazing bead maker, is making sets of beads that she is selling on Etsy that go with the projects in the book.   Many of the glass beads used in the book are hers.  Check out her store...she puts up new ones all the time!
Here is a link to one of them!
Thanks so all of you that have already bought the book!  Love to hear what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Tracy, your book looks like it full of beautiful projects! I can't wait to see it.... CONGRATS to both you and Janice! :-)
